If you notice we are running low on Tyvek envelopes, lacking alcohol wipes, or you need lead for your mechanical pencils, we can order more! If you need a keyboard wrist support, the AIC will pay for that. If you heard about a new kind of kick stool we might want to try out, bring it up for consideration.
Check all supply storage areas to ensure what you need isn't already stocked. Sometimes we can get a price break by buying in bulk, or free shipping for buying mulitple items at once. Be communicative with your team to ensure we are being as efficient as possible when placing orders.
How to gain approval and order supplies:
*For the Head of Collection Services - you have the authority to approve purchases up to $200, anything bigger should be sent on via email to the Library Director. If it is near the end of the fiscal year, it may be prudent to check in about an expense above $50.