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2023 Ryerson and Burnham Libraries Collection Services Guide: Artists' Books

About Artists' Books

Artists’ Books are a specific type of art form, not just a monograph that an artist has contributed visual material to. They can be a literal book or take another form entirely, inspired by the interactive nature of a book. The Joan Flasch Artists’ Book Collection is using the term "Artists’ Publications" to describe the wide range of forms in their collection. Ryerson staff will use these two phrases interchangeably. 

How to spot an artists' book? Sometimes the piece will state outright that it is an artist’s book, often with a limited-edition statement. Some publishers are known for producing artists’ books, another clue that the book in hand is one. If you have reason to suspect you might have an artist’s book, look up the artist’s or the publisher’s website and see if it is featured there as such.
All artists’ books or publications should be considered for Special status. Furthermore, we are contemplating changes to the physical care guidelines for Artist Publications and other highly designed materials that may not quite qualify for Special status, but would benefit from fewer Library markings. Library leadership will be discussing the treatment of these “Special-ish” items with Book Conservation during 2024. Stay tuned for updates! 

Artists’ book are listed in the Ryerson's Specials criteria, and therefore will be considered for Specials status and should be discussed with the Head of Collection Services or the Library Director.

POL/Item Record creation - Since any artists’ book could go into Specials, be sure to set the Item Policy to “Special Collections, Archives” 

Use a detached barcode when receiving and route to the Head of Collection Services for determining Specials vs Circ Exception status.
Do not put artists’ publications in the backlog. 

What follows are some particulars for cataloging artists' books. Beyond these, please follow standard cataloging guidelines for all other fields.

If an artist's publication has come out of the backlog (oops!), complete the cataloging, as usual. When complete, write “artist's book - cataloged” on a flag and leave it on the “Circ Exceptions” shelf outside the Head of Collection Services' office for them to review for Special or Circ Exception status.

250  Edition statement
Often artists' books are published in limited-edition runs; check for such a statement and record it exactly as it appears in the 250 edition statement field. It is not necessary to enter a “First edition” statement, but if it is already there, do not delete it. If the limited edition is numbered, you should also include a 590 local note (see below)

1XX Main Entry / 6XX Subject Entry / 7XX Added Entry
Make the artist the 1001_ author main entry and also include a 60010 subject entry. Include any relevant 650 subject entries as well as ones for the artist’s book itself in the 650 and 655:
1001_   [artist] $$e artist.
60010   [artist] 
650_0   Artists' books $$z [location] $$x History $$y [century]   AND if the book is about a particular subject or topic
650_0   [topic]   (in which case you may wish to add “$$x Themes, motives” to the 60010 heading)
655_7  Artists' books $$2 lcgft

If there were any additional contributors to the work, add a 7XX field for each. If there are more than 10 people, use a 505 instead. 
Use $$e relator codes in the 1XX and 7XX fields as these will distinguish who is responsible for which aspect of creation. 
Enter a 710 for significant publishers at your discretion. Use the relationship designator "$$e publisher."

520 Summary 
Try to include a summary or artist’s statement whenever possible. This can help us provide nuanced subjects that are difficult to describe with the 6XX fields. Publisher’s or artists’ websites can be helpful. 

590 Local Note   
Document any aspect of the work that is unique to Ryerson’s copy. Check for a numbered edition statement, an artist’s signature or the inclusion of original artwork. 
See also documentation regarding Specials, if applicable.

Class an artist’s book in the number provided in the LC schedule:
N7433.4      Artist’s book
.A-Z             Cutter for the artist
Then: Second Cutter as outlined in the LC schedule, most often
       A4 for an exhibition catalog or …
       A7-Z6 for the title or …
       Z7-Z99 for a biography or criticism of the artist
And date of publication
N7433.4    Artist’s book
.C374        Cutter for the artist (Lourdes Castro)
A4             because it’s also an exhibition catalog
2015         Date of publication
N7433.4   Artist’s book
.C3687     Cutter for the artist (Pep Carrio)
D53          For the title of the book, “Días al revés”, because it’s not an exhibition catalog
2012         Date of publication
Note that artist’s books are not classed at the country level.

As with other parts of our catalog, be prepared for inconsistencies. Try to ensure consistent Cutters for artists who have produced multiple artist’s books. Consider reclassing non-conforming ones in the Stacks if feasible.

Artists’ books should receive as few physical markings as possible. Please consult with the Head of Collection Services if you are unsure whether an artists’ book has been reviewed before attaching labels. Many of these items will be made Special in order to prevent labels being attached.

As mentioned above, there is a Special-ish policy under development, which would allow us to have items treated more like Specials but stored in the Stacks location. This could be particularly useful for some artists' books. We can, if we deem it appropriate, hold back select items from final processing until this has been decided.