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2023 Ryerson and Burnham Libraries Collection Services Guide: Collection Handling Basics

Collection Handling Basics

Our collections require attention and care when we are handling them. Please follow these guidelines for typical books and collection items. Some item materials (photographs, metal, Riso, original painting/drawings/prints/art) will require further guidelines). Although we mention some guidelines for Specials, consider this to be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Specials handling. Further training will be provided.

Please follow these guidelines:

  • Maintain smooth trim nails and do not wear nail polish
  • Wash and dry your hands (avoid hand sanitizer and lotion)
  • Use pencil only
  • Make sure you don't have any hanging clothing/jewelry/lanyard that could catch on item
  • Always know where you will put down an item before you pick it up
  • Prepare your space, make sure it's clean (use alcohol wipes or Clorox followed by water) 
  • Use caution when carrying items by hand, make sure you can easily open doors!
  • Carry only 1 Special at a time
  • Use a cart to transport collection items you cannot carry by hand
  • Look at the item and determine if the item requires further support or a board (more often for Specials)
  • When you open an item for the first time, do so on a surface - be careful of potential fold outs, delicate materials, or loose items
  • Use all your senses, especially common sense!