Water damaged books are discovered
Notify Book Conservation and Library Director
Library Director notifies all Disaster Action Team (DAT) members including DAT Building Representative
If water leak is active—Notify Department of Protection Services (DOPS) first
Call ext. 33900, or press red emergency button on any AIC phone
Describe the water incident and its exact location
Water damaged books are collected and brought to the Quarantine space (location TBD)
If situation appears unsafe, do not proceed until Museum Facilities has secured the area
Ideally Photo documentation of water leak area is completed before books are moved
Two or more R&B staff members pull all water damaged books from the affected area and put them into Quarantine
Museum Facilities determines cause of water leak, makes arrangements for necessary repairs
If further leaks pose a continued threat to collections, move remaining books to a safe area or protect them in situ with plastic sheeting until repairs are complete
Circulation scans water damaged books to Quarantine location (non-circulating) in ALMA, DAT Cataloguer initiates documentation of incident
DAT Cataloguer initiates Water Incident Spreadsheet in the R&B DAT/DPT Google Drive Folder recording the following:
Date of discovery and brief description of incident
The books involved (call number, title, author, date of publication, MMS ID)
The exact location of the books (Stack, Range and Shelf numbers)
Book Conservation assesses condition of water damaged books
Book Conservation completes photo documentation of individual damaged books
Book Conservation adds extent of damage for each book to Water Incident Spreadsheet
Damp/wet books
No mold—salvage
Light-to-moderate mold—salvage if mold removal is possible
Heavy-to-severe mold—may need to discard, possible replacement
Previously wet/now dry books
No mold—salvage
Light-to-moderate mold—salvage if mold removal is possible
Heavy-to-severe mold—may need to discard, possible replacement
Blocked pages—discard, possible replacement
Book Conservation enters Conservation Recommendation into Water Incident Spreadsheet
DAT Department Rep researches circulation history, value, importance to the collection of title(s) affected by water incident
While Book Conservation assesses condition of water damaged books, DAT Department Rep researches their circulation history, value, and importance to the collection
DAT Department Rep determines availability and cost of replacement copies
DAT Department Rep completes Number of Loans and Replacement Copy Available fields in Water Incident Spreadsheet
DAT Recovery Director makes final decision to salvage, withdraw or replace each book affected by water incident
If there are books recommended for discard by Book Conservation that are important to the collection and cannot be replaced, further discussion between DAT Recovery Director, Book Conservation and DAT Department Rep will be necessary to determine recovery plan for these materials
Final Decision to salvage, withdraw or replace is made for each book and entered by DAT Recovery Directory
Procedure for Salvage, Replacement or Withdraw of damaged materials commences
Books taken to Book Conservation for air-drying, removal of light-to-moderate mold
Once clean and dry Book Conservation adds salvage complete date to Water Incident Spreadsheet
Salvaged books are then taken to DAT Cataloguer—Tech Services adds Internal Note 1 in Alma record for each salvaged book indicating that water damage was discovered and the date of discovery
Book Conservation provides DAT Cataloguer with barcode numbers of individual books to be withdrawn and replaced with newly acquired copies
Replacement copies are ordered and delivered to DAT Cataloguer upon arrival
For withdrawn damaged copies, Book Conservation uses Withdraw stamp on Ryerson bookplate and crosses out call number and barcode labels with permanent marker
Book Conservation places withdrawn books into sealed garbage bags and disposes them directly into Monroe Dock dumpster
Book Conservation provides DAT Cataloguer with barcode numbers of individual books to be withdrawn, DAT Cataloguer withdraws them from library catalog
Book Conservation uses Withdraw stamp on Ryerson bookplate and crosses out call number and barcode labels with permanent marker for each withdrawn book
Book Conservation places withdrawn books into sealed garbage bags and disposes them directly into Monroe Dock dumpster
Completion fields in Water Incident Spreadsheet are filled in by DAT Cataloguer once Salvage, Replace or Withdraw steps are complete