In-House Orders
These are scanning requests placed by reading room patrons or museum staff and are always documented and tracked using a blue order form. Each in-house order must be approved by a reference librarian before being scanned.
Blue order forms allow the patron to request one of three options: Color copies, B&W copies, or PDF scans. Digital scans should always be produced in color unless otherwise noted. An itemized list of exposures will note what page a patron wants reproduced along with any special descriptions or instructions that might be necessary. The area on the back of the form will confirm the total number of exposures expected as well as the expected paper size for prints. In cases when an image cannot be fit into a single exposure, the scanner should distribute the image over two pages of a PDF, making sure to make a note of this on the front of the blue form. Any extra exposures incurred in this manner will not be charged to the patron. Unless otherwise noted, all scans can be made at 200dpi resolution at the lowest.
The last two exposures of every in-house scanning order should be the front and back sides of the blue order form. This will act as a type of receipt for the patron. For digital orders, the two exposures representing the front and back of the blue form should be the last two pages in the multi-page PDF that comprises the order. For recordkeeping purposes, it is important to initial and date the order form before reproducing it.
All orders (whether for copies or PDF scans) should be emailed to and blue sheets should be left on the Circulation Manager’s desk for filing and forwarding to patrons. Orders for prints will also be fulfilled by the Circulation Manager.
ILL Article Requests
Our ILL sharing partners request reproduction of articles from books, journals, and periodicals. The order form for these scans is a white half-sheet produced by the Interlibrary Loan software and will have the title and call number of the item as well as the article title, author, and the page numbers of the desired article. Any information left out by the ILL partner will be filled in by the Circulation Manager. The order form will be left as a bookmark on the first page of the article requested. The form will sometimes also ask for the title page or table of contents of an item to be included in the scan (abbreviated as “tp” or “toc”). ILL. As with in house orders, the order form should be included in the multi-page PDF scan, preferable as the first page. Article requests should never be printed but rather produced as a multi-page PDF and emailed to, from which they will be routed to each requesting institution. Once the order is completed, the item may be returned and the dated and initialed half-sheet order form should be left on the desk of the Circulation Manager.
Self-service scanning
Staff and patrons may wish to scan materials using the self service machines in the media room. Staff with circulation privileges may check out materials to scan in their department or may use scanning equipment in the stack areas. A list of passwords for logging into the various scanning workstations is kept at the Circulation Desk.